Tag Archives: 3D printing

For over 15 years, we have helped numerous inventors & startup companies develop their concepts and ideas into commercially successful products. Often inventors come to us with a one-off prototype and do not know how to develop this from this early-stage prototype to a viable commercial product that can be mass-produced. Typically, Design for Manufacture […]

There are some very interesting medical applications for 3D printing and it shows the process is very much a viable manufacturing process and not just a method to create prototypes. This interesting article highlights five areas: Prosthetics – much lower cost and bespoke to the individual Equipment and devices – cutting cost. single use avoiding […]

An interesting article about 3D printing a silicone guide embedded with protein to enable nerve regeneration. Gm Design Development, having already been involved in developing orthopaedic devices with Baxter in the past involving Inductigraft granuals (Silicate Substituted Calcium Phosphate), a bone graft substitute, it is only a matter of time before the patient is scanned and […]