Mobile phone health app

Over the past fifteen years, we have designed numerous healthcare products including assay readers and several blood glucose meters. The earliest glucose meters used a plug-in cable that allowed user to download their results to a computer for analysis. Today, the process is much simpler, with modern smart phones and improved connectivity on both devices, results can be transmitted in real-time for analysis by yourself or a remote clinician or doctor. The later allows for early intervention which not only saves the NHS money, but will offer significant benefits to the user.

Most of us already use our mobile phones to monitor our fitness and health in some way – counting our steps, calculating the distance we run or via questions, helping to advise us on how to improve our health. It is a big growth market and we are already involved in several projects this year delivering real-time health data & analysis, allowing for early intervention by clinicians.

If you are looking to develop a healthcare product with connectivity, then why not get in touch to see if Gm Design Development can help?